

The best in luxury consignment can only be found in one place: Cris Consignment. Cris Consignment keeps an up-to-date selection of discount designer clothes, including: Christian Louboutin shoes, Hermes bags, and Chanel clothing. Cris Consignment not only carries a wide array of designers and styles, but is affordable so you don’t break the bank.

Over the years Cris has evolved into a destination, not only for shopping, but also for meeting old friends and making new ones; a place to receive honest, thoughtful, and personalized input on looks and to share your own styling advice with others. Our staff can make sure that you find the right handbag, the right designer dress, or the right pair of shoes that you’re looking for. Cris Consignment is dedicated to making sure that you not only can find the products you are looking for, but that selling your designer clothes and accessories is painless and easy.

Whether you need a fabulous outfit for an upcoming event, looking for something casual and well-made to round out your wardrobe, or are looking for the right consignment store to sell your designer clothes and accessories, you will always find something you love at Cris Consignment and have fun in the process! Stop by our consignment store or give us a call and let us help you create the perfect outfit!